What Tickled Alice - Our Highlights of 2016
A look back at 2016 highlights by the Alice PR team.
Last week we had our staff planning day and with our staff Christmas party to look forward to this-evening, we’re heading in the direction of the end-of-year wind-down! We've been taking a look back on the year that was. Internationally it's been a controversial one but for Alice PR & Events 2016 has been full of highlights and personal achievements.
I’ve had a number of highlights in 2016. The first one to spring to mind is expanding Alice, and bringing on board amazing colleagues, who are not only excellent at PR and events, but are also very sound to work with!
I was particularly glad to have the opportunity to celebrate how far we’ve come in such a short time at the Alice 1st birthday party. It was definitely a stand-out moment; a great night out with everyone involved in the company and we got so much lovely feedback from family and friends around the time of the event.
Working on the launch of the Higher Education Authority's gender review report, a ground-breaking report setting out the steps needed to achieve gender equality in higher education institutions was another high point for me. It was launched in June, and some of its recommendations are already being implemented. It feels like it was a very historic initiative for us to be associated with.
On a somewhat related topic, devising the idea for - and implementing - Dress for Success Dublin's Equal Pay Day campaign in November which deservedly got lots of media attention, was also a highlight. As a female dominated company this is definitely something we feel strongly about and really loved working on.
I think there have been hundreds more throughout the year, including our work on the #LoveIrishResearch and Springboard+ campaigns. So much to chose from – we’re spoilt for choice!
My first highlight is our work with the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment. After the second Citizens' Assembly, I read an article in The Irish Times that reported, "One representative said members would like to hear also from the Repeal the 8th campaign, which had “made a lot of noise”." I was so proud to be a part of it because we helped make that noise!
2016 has marked a number of highlights for me – finishing my Higher Diploma in Digital Media Design and graduating with First Class Honours is definitely one and so working with our client D8CEC was particularly close to my heart. I could completely understand how all of the participants felt about what they had accomplished by going back to education. I was so excited to be a small part of it and to highlight their achievements.
Taking on the role as Senior Account Manager in Alice PR has been another highlight of mine. At first I was nervous and doubted my own ability but as the year has gone on, I am really enjoying it and the freedom that Alice affords me. Martina and the team are great to work with and everyone is so encouraging. It’s been great to be a part of this exciting start-up and to see a company growing and to be part of it. Here’s to 2017!
It’s been a busy few months since I joined Alice in September. I really enjoyed working with the Immigrant Council of Ireland. Particular highlights from me include the great coverage we received for the #StopRacism campaign, their seminar on the representation of Muslims in Irish media, and drafting their regular bulletins on the forced migration crisis in the Mediterranean.
Event managing SOLAS’s TEDx event down in Shannon was another exciting project to work on. I loved seeing the event run so smoothly after a few minor delivery hiccups! One of my own personal highlights of 2016 is simply joining the wonderful team here at Alice, and feeling right at home!
Having started with Alice in February, it’s difficult to pick just one stand-out highlight moment. It’s been brilliant to have been involved in what has been a year of so many firsts for the company – first office, first front-page, first birthday and even first stationary order!
Highlights for me this year have included working as part of the Alice team. There’s been laughs galore in the office! Having colleagues that are genuinely sound has meant hating Mondays a little less!
Another high point for me was working on the PR and marketing strategy for Springboard+ with the HEA during the Summer. The campaign had a relatively short lead-in time so it was quite full on. I really got a kick out of seeing advertisements that we had designed the concept for on bus stops around Dublin!
I also really enjoyed working on the Dress for Success Equal Pay Day campaign in November. As part of the campaign and to raise funds for the organisation we held a ‘Disco Brunch’ at Medley restaurant on Fleet Street. I loved being involved in the event management. It was great to see the campaign be so positively received by the media.
I’m looking forward to a year of seconds with the A-Team in 2017!
Having only joined recently my highlight was definitely Black and Red Friday here in Alice PR on November 25th. We wore black for #Black4Repeal and red for Show Racism the Red Card
What have been your 2016 highlights? Please share them with us in the comments section below. We'd love to hear from you.
Wishing all of our clients, families and friends a very Happy Christmas and thank you for all your support throughout 2016.
Happy New Year!