Congratulations to WorkEqual

Congratulations to WorkEqual on rebrand and annual awareness-raising campaign

In the earliest days of Alice PR – when our founder, Martina, was still working by herself – one of our very first clients was Dress for Success Dublin.

Established in 2011 by entrepreneur, fashion designer, stylist and broadcaster Sonya Lennon, Dress for Success Dublin was part of a worldwide organisation, focused on helping women to improve their career prospects.

Over the past 10 years, Dress for Success Dublin grew into a busy and successful organisation, combining practical service delivery with ambitious campaigning working to support women in Ireland to enter or re-enter the workforce and progress their careers.


Last week, Dress for Success Dublin announced its rebrand to WorkEqual. The rebrand of the charity has taken place to reflect its expanding range of employment services for women across Ireland.

WorkEqual will continue to provide all existing services, including confidence coaching, interview and CV preparation, mentoring and styling services. It will also continue to advocate and campaign for gender equality in the workplace.

Annual Campaign on Workplace Gender Equality

Since 2016, in partnership with our team here at Alice, the annual WorkEqual campaign has run each November. It aims to highlight gender inequalities in Irish workplaces and promote solutions to address them.

As part of the campaign, we mark Equal Pay Day each year – the day on which women in Ireland effectively stop earning, relative to men, because of our gender pay gap of 14.4%.

The 2021 campaign kicks off today and will run throughout the month of November. Equal Pay Day will be marked next Monday, 8th November, with a special meeting of the WorkEqual Oireachtas All-Party Group and the release of research findings on public attitudes to gender equality.

We’re also working on a flagship campaign seminar, which will take place on Thursday, 25th November. The campaign this year is focusing, in particular, on childcare and family caring duties and the flagship seminar is entitled ‘Reimagining Childcare Provision’. It will explore how Ireland can learn from other countries to improve our childcare system and promote family-friendly work cultures. Further information about the event – and the campaign overall – is available here.


Huge congratulations to Sonya Lennon; Angela Smith, CEO of WorkEqual; Nuala Smith, Chief Operations Officer; and all the WorkEqual team on their rebrand. We look forward to working on yet another successful awareness-raising campaign this November – and to continuing our work with you for many years to come!