
At Alice, we provide the full range of PR and communications services, all designed to deliver effective change. These include:

  • Communications strategies;
  • Media relations;
  • Stakeholder engagement, consultation and public affairs;
  • Crisis communications and issues management;
  • The design and delivery of creative events;
  • Marketing and advertising campaigns;
  • Social media; and
  • Training and coaching in communications skills, including media spokesperson skills.

With offices in Dublin and Belfast, we work with clients throughout the island of Ireland – and beyond.


What differentiates us from other PR agencies is not the services we offer; it’s the approach we take to our work. Our unique CHANGE methodology has been developed and honed over the past decade. It underpins all our work, ensuring our clients achieve the change they desire to make Ireland – and the world – a better place.

The Communications Method that Makes Change Possible

Our CHANGE methodology sets out the steps we take in working with clients, whether to provide high-level strategic advice or deliver a wide-ranging integrated campaign. It ensures the services we deliver are effectively designed, implemented and evaluated. The six steps it covers are:

Step 1: Context

As a starting point, we undertake comprehensive research into the societal, political, economic, and environmental factors impacting on your work. We review your existing communications strategies or policies, Strategic Plan and over-arching work priorities. We review external information sources of relevance (e.g. policy or legislative developments, CSO data, etc.). And we undertake a competitor analysis. Our research typically results in a Communications SWOT Analysis, summarising the challenges and opportunities you face. By analysing the context in which you work, we can develop effective communications strategies and tactics that truly resonate with your target audiences and drive meaningful results.

Step 2: Hopes and Aims

Step 3: Audiences

Step 4: Narrative

Step 5: Gameplan

Step 6: Evaluation

We prefer it if clients use us for the whole journey to their destination because there is no greater satisfaction than seeing our work turn into change for good. But we have designed our methodology to ensure we can support clients either for their whole journey or at key steps along the way.

Our Training Services

To help our clients be active advocates for the change they are driving, we have developed a range of communications training and capacity-building services that have already helped thousands of participants across Ireland and further afield.