Alice PR MD to discuss running events during Covid-19  

Webinar for PRII members taking place this Friday

Our MD, Martina Quinn, is one of the panellists for a webinar on running events in a time of Covid-19 this week.

The webinar is being organised by the Public Relations Institute of Ireland (PRII) and is open to PRII members to attend, free of charge. It will take place this Friday, 3rd July, from 10am to 10.45am.

The webinar will focus on how best to meet the challenges of planning, organising and managing events during and post Covid-19.

During the webinar, the PRII will outline the information contained in the Institute’s recently published guide, ‘Reopening the Doors to Events’.

Martina and other panellists will then share their insights on how events are adapting and evolving in response to Covid-19. Martina was invited to participate in the wake of our recent win at the PR Awards for Excellence – in the ‘Best PR Event’ category. We received that award for our work on the #WorkEqual conference, which took place at The Marker Hotel Dublin last November. Changing how we deliver events in response to Covid-19

Here at Alice PR, a range of the events we were working on in early 2020 were either postponed or cancelled as a result of Covid-19. We moved swiftly, however, to running events online and – over the past three months – we’ve organised online political briefings, media launches, panel discussions, and more…

Now that many Covid-19 restrictions are easing, we are discussing with our clients what the options are for their events in the coming months. Some clients are keen to get back to running physical events (in adherence with all public safety advice, of course), while others see merit in continuing with online formats for the foreseeable future.

Covid-19 has profoundly changed the landscape for those of us who run public events. Whether it’s a 30-minute photocall or a large-scale, day-long conference, we now have a whole raft of new considerations to take into account when planning and executing events.

Photo by Christian Fregnan on Unsplash